Sunday, December 27, 2009

Boy It Has Been A Long Time In Coming...Merry Christmas!

I had hoped to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and an even Happier New Year...but we have spotty internet, so I don't always get to least not in the last few weeks! But enough with the whining already...

We have already started looking for a new place to live. We have begun filling out our adoption paperwork and also found that there really in not a requirement for how close a sex offender can live to you...which shocked us and our SW! But Tony and I don't feel safe with an offender so close (and the fact that it just isn't safe or healthy here), so we are opting to leave here and live elsewhere, where the girls will be safe, but even though we are moving because of that, I think I may be a 'helicopter' mom, at least for the first 20 years they are here!

Tony is still struggling with his job, I know, I least he has one, but with so much drama and stress, to what end? So any prayers will be extremely appreciated. He is really struggling with the hours and his RM's morals, or should I say 'lack of' morals. He also doesn't want to be a part time dad, even our boys had him more than the normal child and we don't want the girls to lack that part of him...he is too good a dad for that...

We also need to find a time to sit down and tell my parents about the girls. They know from the car magnets that we are advocating for Reece's Rainbow, but we haven't found the right time to tell them about our magnificent plans to adopt out of country! Please pray for that too!

So in looking back over the last 6 months, Andrea was right, take your time and work at it, it may not happen as quick as 'we' wanted...God knows best, and His time is really what matters!

We have already grown to love these girls and just can't wait to bring them home. So our true prayer and hope is that we can go and bring them home before next Christmas to enjoy a real home with real parents and lots of love!

We are praying to be able to secure our commitment fee before their next birthday, February 27, 2010. I can't think of a better birthday present for them!!! Please pray with us for this gift!

Hope everyone of you has a God Blessed New Year!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Happy Belated Thanksgiving...

We had a great Thanksgiving, our first back in New England. It was great visiting with friends and family.

We are thankful for everything that God has given to us this year and we are looking forward to what He has in store for us in 2010. We hope that we will be bigger by two at this time next year...

We are starting our paper work for our home study and getting prepared for the following year! :)

We pray everyone else had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends, and that God blesses you richly in the coming year!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

You know...I'm such a sap....

When it comes to twins. We have twins in the family and it skips a generation or two. Well neither my sister nor myself had twins, much to my dismay. But there are sets of twins that need homes, and then there are those who were twins and separated. That makes me sad.

Well a month or so after seeing the twins that grabbed my heart, my eyes laid on another beautiful twin girl, separated at birth by mom. She kept the one girl that was 'healthy' and left this beautiful girl, Lilya, who has just as much potential to grow up and make something of herself.

Once again, that made me very Thankful to God that I live in a country where I can choose life for my child and shortly be able to bring more children to love into my home.

Today I am Thankful that Lilya, whom I fell in love with along with my twins, is going home!!! Her forever family has found her and stepped forward to bring her home! Sweet Lilya has a Family!!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

We Have Been Rather Silent, But...

Thankful. God has been amazing to us. We have been blessed with much. Blessed with; finding Reece's Rainbow, a desire to adopt, the insight as to why things are not working out at this time, a network of medical support when we bring the girls home, but most important is our strong and enduring love for one another.

Recently I lost two wonderful aunts, both of whom would have supported this adoption process totally. One was here in CT and was a very Godly woman, never judged anyone but loved everyone unconditionally. She worked with all kinds of children throughout the school system. She is missed.

The other aunt was someone I truly looked up to while growing up. In fact, I took her name when I was confirmed in the catholic church. Once again she never judged anyone but loved everyone she met. I pray we will see her in heaven one day.

Tony showed his love for me this weekend because one funeral was in VT. Tony works between 60-70 hours a week and usually has one day off a week. He chose to take off this past Saturday, rented a car for the weekend and drove around 500 miles round trip just so I could say good-bye. I call that sacrifice, but that is something that he does on a regular basis...and causes me to feel like the luckiest girl in the world!

We also spent his entire surprise afternoon off today shopping for Thanksgiving Day dinner. He will also spend most of the day on Thursday cooking Thanksgiving dinner...because he loves me.

We consistently spend our free time together, and we don't usually get sick of spending time together...yes, sickeningly sweet, I know and I'm sorry :) I did marry my best friend!

If you are on FaceBook and are a friend of mine, you noticed recently that a status update of mine said 'loves her husband so much and thinks he is the most amazing man.' Well that is the truth, he is amazingly selfless and our twins will be so lucky to have a daddy like him! We are a very blessed couple, our love is strong and enduring! I am truly blessed and VERY Thankful!

God Bless you on this Thanksgiving Day!

A Little Late...

But Oskar is HOME!!! We are rejoicing with his new forever family!!! :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Wow...What A Big Day For Reece's Rainbow!!!

I have had a spotty internet connection over the past couple of weeks, so logging on and posting to my blog have not happened as much as I had hoped. But...

Today RR has had several families step up and commit to our angels! One angel is Lilya. I fell in love with her shortly after the twins because she is a twin! Her mom kept her sister and gave her up! I can't even imagine. So Tony and I had decided that after we adopt the twins, if Lilya was still available we were going back for her!!! Well WE DON'T HAVE TO!!! I am so excited for her and her new family! Then there is Timosha...he has a family now too!!!

Several of the children now have very large grants, which will make it easier for someone to commit to them! For a Friday the 13th, today was a very UN-superstitious day and very LUCKY for several of our Angels!!!

Our Savior He can move the mountains...He is Mighty to Save!!! Thank You Lord!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Another Forever Family Together!!!

Visit Our Blog

Once again I am blessed beyond measure as we welcome 2 more children without families into their forever family! What a blessed holiday season the Watson's will have this year!!! God isn't just Good...He is GREAT!!! Blessings to your family!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Well God Really Is In The Details, And If You Don't Believe Me...

We have been following Reece's Rainbow off and on since June of 2006. I joined again in June of this year and fell in love with the twins. We have often questioned why many things have not fallen into place in these past four months. There has been everything from not being able to find a job to having a terrible landlord to just plain having trouble with financing.

I have had a difficult time finding a job even though I am qualified to do many things. The economy stinks so we have had a difficult time with everything that affects that, employment, bills, food... I have also been hit with the worst allergy season I have had in a long time, so I have been sick lately. We also have a slumlord that hoards chemicals and everything that harms the environment, can't seem to follow the law in regards to safety, and has also tried to hit my son's car while he is in it but we aren't around as witnesses. You could say that satan is having a grand time playing at our house.

When my son Austin came home the other night he informed us that he and his girlfriend Virginia, at the urging of Virginia's mom, checked out the sex offender registry and apparently we have a sex offender living upstairs from us in this house!

had our informational meeting with our social worker on August 6th and found out that he was convicted on August 13th 2009, just a week from the day of our meeting! If we had gone forward and everything else had been great, we would have been rejected for a having a sex offender living here!

IS GOD'S TIMING PERFECT OR WHAT!!! We could have spent this whole time, all our money and resources and all and for what? I have said from the beginning that it is Gods time not our own, and here is the proof!

What an Awesome God!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

So Much Excitement!

We just found out that our coffee fundraiser with Just Love Coffee is open. Here is the link if you're interested in ordering some.

This fundraiser will help us with the initial promise/commitment fee for the girls as well as our homestudy fee! Yes, a WHOLE lot of excitement!

The other exciting thing is that I had a fabulous weekend at the Education Convention. And it seems that Cindy is willing to have me help her on occasion with her conventions and instead of paying me, she will pay me in curriculum that will be suitable for homeschooling the girls! Now THAT is exciting too!!!

Have a Blessed Fall Day!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Well...Here I Am Again...

Yes, sitting in front of my computer on Facebook and blogging. I am still battling some type of virus that has a cough, I guess it's almost time to see the doctor. :(

I am very excited though, this weekend I am going away to help a friend of mine with her education business. She does shows and home school conferences to show her materials. She has games and programs for special needs learning and I get to try and play with them first hand. It is in one of my favorite states in New England, New Hampshire! It promises to be a great weekend and being with Cindy, in NH and learning about teaching tools for the twins...I can't think of a more exciting time!

You can visit Cindy's website and see some of her school materials, and it can be useful for home school or extra learning at home. Her link is under the twins and their clock. I am really looking forward to learning about her materials and how it will help me to communicate and teach my special needs children in the future!

Have a fabulous weekend!
God Bless!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This Is A Great Article

This is exactly where we are in our thinking. And it made me want to bring home even more than our beautiful twins! Now where is that job and where is that promise fee.... :)

Happy reading!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Twice In One Day!

Visit Our Blog

Wow! I am sooo happy! I get to do this TWICE today. I just found out that Angie is home with her FOREVER FAMILY now too!!! :D

God is Good...All the Time!
All the Time...God is Good!

I Love Days Like This!

I love days like this because I can take buttons off my blog! That is a joyous day because they are here in America with their FOREVER FAMILY!!! It means that the whole process is complete! These two beautiful children are home! FOREVER!!!

Helps me to keep looking toward our prize! Someday soon! :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Holding Pattern We Call Life!

I didn't mean to let this much time go by before I blogged. Our lives are in a holding pattern right now. I am sick now, for the past 5 weeks and now I have a cough that isn't going away. I am hoping Nyquil will help tonight, then to the dr. tomorrow. I still have no job, things have gone from not great in our dwelling to terrible in just a matter of a week. Our landlord seems to be a lot more irresponsible with others property than we realized and decided to sideswipe my son's car with his camper and then deny he was at fault and refuses to take responsibility for the damage. Needless to say, we are done here.

So now we are looking for a house or duplex to rent. That in itself is great because we really do need to move in order to pass our home study inspection, but it means more waiting. So now I am packing things again. I am taking breaks to work on making my angel pins, deciding what quilt I am going to begin when we move, bringing Maddie, our dog, to the park to go swimming! She is sooo silly, she is really a great diversion for me during the day, especially during this time of constant waiting.

We are asking for prayer as we are trying hard to move things along and we are trying hard not to lose sight of the fact that it is in His time, not ours and He really does know what is best.

God Bless!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Down Syndrome Awareness...Why We Want To Adopt

Since this is national Downs Syndrome Awareness Month, I thought I'd share why we would sincerely consider a Down Syndrome child or some other special needs children. Tony actually had a cousin who had a mental disability caused from spinal meningitis when she was 2 years old. It affected her brain in that she never grew 'older' than an 8 year old, and her love and affection totally surpassed anything we could comprehend. Her disability made her special and when I met her I thought she was the most precious person I had ever met.

With that awareness came the ability to see others with disabilities for who they are and not what their disability made them. It made me realize that they are no different than we are except that they have the ability to see others as they are. She was a gift from God that was given to Tony's aunt and that became clear when his aunts' husband died unexpectedly in his 40's. Aunt Beverly had a purpose everyday and that didn't allow her to spend time sulking and feeling sorry for herself. She had to take care of Debbie everyday, and Debbie was there to comfort Bev, and comfort her she did.

She was there to comfort Tony. his sister, his dad and me when Tonys' mom died. She just kept hugging everyone and making sure that no one was crying. The most precious gift in our time of grief was Debbie and she was appreciated more than I can say. We love her, and she is the biggest reason that we have for wanting to adopt a DS child or special needs child. We saw the love that she showered on everyone and Tony watched her blossom from baby to young woman and saw how productive she came regardless of her disability. The children that are discarded in other countries, and yes as well as here, deserve the love, care and attention that Debbie received. And with the love of a family, they can become productive citizens in their communities, and bring such joy to the family that chooses to bring them home.

I'm going to bake now, and dream of someday, being able to bake with our new family members, our twins! :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Rainy Days In The Fall

Besides Christmas, fall is my FAVORITE time of the year! Cool and crisp feel of the air, the beautiful colors everywhere! Fall harvest and warming the house with the smell of baked goods...mmm!

Last week I bought apples and made apple crisp, it was amazing! Yesterday I made peanut butter cookies, baked ziti and cheddar bay biscuits. I am definitely in the fall mood! But...not so much on the rainy days. Then I feel really tired and not very excited to do much. Fall festivals are held outside so on rainy days you can't go. I love going to the farmers market, but not on rainy days.

So...on rainy days I pretty much stay in and 'try' to get motivated to do something, anything in the house. I tend to sit and do my BSF study, facebook, play games on the computer and watch movies. That isn't bad in itself, but it also lends to looking back and dwelling on how things are and are not yet. That is not always a good thing.

I guess what I am getting at is what I am scheming in this bored little head. When I have time on my hands, I am always thinking of those two little angels in EE waiting for their mommy and daddy to come for them. Not only thinking of fundraising ideas, but how exciting it will be to have two little ones in the house again! Then I think of family time(s) and what we will do. We already have a family trip planned next summer to go to a lake that is about an hour from here. It's a beautiful lake house and we can bring Maddie, the family dog, with us. There are quite a few fairs starting in August that we can go to. There are petting zoo's near by and the library within walking distance. There is a beautiful park where we can bring Maddie and have a picnic lunch, especially in the fall. The girls are always on my mind!

A week and a half ago, we had someone tell us she was going to donate to us, and it sounded like it was going to happen, but we haven't heard from her again. While we were really excited, I did stay calm headed and did not jump to conclusions thinking it was a done deal. We know it will be in God's time, not ours. I just hope that more people don't make statements like that and disregard the feelings of those that are trying hard to bring these children home from other countries. I also did pray for the girl that contacted me as she said she was out of town at the time. Her travels were during the flooding rain in the south, so I pray that she wasn't devastated by the flooding. I was hoping that she would contact me and tell me that this was not a good time for her financially so I could let her know we'd pray for her. I also would have told her that she can just pray, we can always use prayers! :) But so far we haven't heard from her. That has been tough.

I read a blog last night that brought tears to my eyes. It was from the mommy of Barbara. She was talking about how satan is working to prevent them from getting her. Well, I can attest that he is working extra hard here in our house, but my belief in God's word isn't going to let satan win. God's timing is perfect. I don't know why I can't get a job. I don't know why that girl couldn't/didn't donate. I don't know why we have had no success trying to get this adoption going in the right direction...but He Knows!!! And, although I'd like to know, I don't need to know. It's just not time yet, but it will be when He is ready! :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Still Trying To Adjust To The Quiet Life...

Yesterday was a wonderful, and at the same time, lonely and quiet day. We went to the Northeastern State Fair called the Big E! It's short for Eastern States Exposition. Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island is represented there. It has animals, food, fun, competition. It was great to get back to New England to see this fair! We really did have a great time, but it sure was different without bringing children to see the animals and have them tug on our arms to go on rides and get fried dough, cotton candy and candy apples. It left me feeling empty and alone. I did try to see it as a date, and it was fun, but we spent quite a bit of time texting the boys while we were there. And we discussed how much fun we would have next year bringing our girls.

I met a woman who lives about 10 minutes away from me and she raises llama's. She sells 'lla-manure' at the local farmers market, sheers the llamas, washes their hair, spins it, and then she knits sweaters and makes $300.00 per sweater! I was amazed and I am going to go meet her llama's and watch her do all this. This woman is one of my hero's! I have a bunny and I have wanted to do that with my bunny fur for forever...maybe I'll try it. Another way to fill my time? We'll see about that.

So, trying to adjust to quiet, that's what I'm trying to do. I'm still looking for a job and having no luck, but others are still struggling with that too so I don't let it get me down.

We had some excitement last week when we heard that someone wanted to donate to the puzzle fundraiser, but that hasn't happened yet. We will probably announce that fundraiser sometime later this week. We are really hoping that things will ramp up soon and give us a shot of hope, but we'll see...

It's all in God's time, not ours. He will provide when He decides, I'm trying to hold on to that nugget. :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Guess I'm Not That Crazy After All!

There have been times lately where I actually have doubted my sanity. Really. That's what you get when you compare others to yourself!

For years I have been dreading the 'EMPTY NEST', I think I've even heard it referred to as a syndrome... but either way, I have it! Not because I'm afraid of what I'll find when I find myself, but rather what the heck do I do with what I am??

I have always loved my children, from the baby stage until the leave the nest stage, my favorite being the toddler-tween. I have taught Sunday School to 4-5 year olds and 9th-10th high school. And everytime I share that I love children and want more of them, people look at me as if I am totally insane! They wonder what is wrong with me to want to torture myself again. These are the people that have 2 children and were happy with that, me...I want more than 3! Are you crazy??

So, I doubted myself. Why do I think like this? Is there something wrong with me? Why do I need to have more children? Am I not happy with who I am? And there were more questions than that...

I have a couple of friend, in fact they posted words of encouragement to me on my blog, but they are in the minority. The majority of friends, family and acquaintances think I'm not quite right. So...I wrote and asked my new found friends at Reece's Rainbow. I could not believe what a response I received! There were about 20 responses from women who are 30+ years young and every one of them feel the same way! I couldn't believe my eyes. And it felt good to finally feel like I might be normal, or at least not the only insane person around. :) I think I am going to print each of those notes out and post them around my house in frames so everywhere I look I will be encouraged.

In the past couple of weeks, complete strangers that I happen to chat with about the future adoption plans have said they admire me. I don't feel like I should be admired, that is something that people do to really important people, I just want to be me and seen as a mom...even if I'm in my 40's. I really do love children and I really can't wait to go get my girls! :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

It Alway Amazes Me...

How He always brings things to mind to let us know we are on the right path. Or that my mind can see the connections...either way He never ceases to amaze me.

As I was sitting here tonight unable to sleep, I logged on to check my email and such and my home page opened up to Dr. Albert Mohlers page from Southern Seminary. I frequently read his blog and Fridays blog, yesterday, was titled "Will Babies with Down Syndrome Just Disappear?". It reminded me of my first encounter with the very new CVS test for DS back in the late 80's. They tried to get me tested and I flatly refused and I would only sign the waiver, which made the nurse angry with me. But my response to her was that this baby is a gift from God, and I will love this baby no matter what. Who am I to reject that gift even if it isn't perfect? I'm not perfect and He didn't reject me? She didn't like that nor did she like it when I told her that I was willing to deal with any problems no matter how big or small...that is what parenting is all about. Then I added that there wasn't anything that I couldn't deal with if I had God with me.

Sadly, these people have no idea what gift they are giving up when they snuff out that life. I've seen that gift in every face of every child that comes home to the families on Reece's Rainbow. I couldn't think of a better gift on earth! They are amazing gifts from a God who loves us!

I feel that Dr. Mohler's blog is right, these babies will just disappear, unless someone speaks out in their behalf and the medical community wakes up. There are advocates out there for them now, Reece's Rainbow is one. Please visit some of the blogs of the children's buttons that are posted on the right column of my blog. See what beautiful little ones they are. Visit and see all the wonderful things that are going on with the children listed. Then maybe consider blessing someone with a donation so that they may bring one of these little ones here where they will be loved. They are already here on earth, rejected by their family and need a new family, and some of these families need little ones.

Reece's Rainbow has an Angel Tree each year. We have a Christmas Angel that Tony and I are praying for. Her name is Sophie and she is beautiful. I will post more about her in a couple of days. I love what Reece's Rainbow is doing for these little ones around the world and I hope more people will get involved and bring these special children, gifts from God, home to where they will be loved and cared for and receive the medical treatment that all children deserve.

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well an entire week has gone by and we are still waiting. I'm still searching for a legitimate job posting, looking for ways to raise money and so on. This is truly the most frustrated I've been in a while. But once again, we won't let it go, I really believe with every fiber of my being that these girls are to be ours.

As I was wondering 'aimlessly' through a department store today, I happened to go by the jewelry counter. I stopped, as usual (there is just something about sparkly stuff and girls), and saw the sterling silver. I don't usually buy sterling, but the faith jewelry caught my eye. There was a necklace on a card that said;

'Believe'-keep moving forward as if you will not fail.

So, here we are, still doing the same thing, still believing in something others call a pipe dream. Still moving forward with purpose, to bring our princesses home...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My God Can Move Mountains, Part Two...

Picture removed...These beautiful girls are the twins I keep blogging about. We are seeking to raise money so we can promise their country that we will come and adopt them. Their names are Slavka and Sandra. They are from Eastern Europe and they both look like members of our family. Slavka easily looks like my Mother-in-law, and Sandra looks like my side of the family, which is totally amazing to me.

Just recently I was told that I can make anything slant the way I want, but in the future I will post pics of Micky Stancil and my cousin Julie and Aunt Nancy, and you can decide for yourself.

I thought I would make this event in our lives more real. I am willing to do just about anything to be sure they come home here to Connecticut, USA. Please pray with us :) my God truly can move mountains!

My God Can Move Mountains...

I haven't posted in almost a week because I'm a little pre-occupied with trying to get organized with my fund-raising ideas. I have five great ideas but I am 'Experience Challenged'.

The first one is my angel pins and I just need to set that up on an ebay or similar site for me to sell them. The second is a puzzle fundraiser. I have a 1000 piece puzzle and I'm charging $3.00 a piece and the person's name will be written on the back for the girls to see in the future. Once again I need to find the site to set that one up on so people can donate for the pieces. The third is a bottle and can collection, this one I think will work with just flyers and an email through our church family. The fourth is a dinner/or theater, Tony and several others in our church family have planned those. That one is much larger than the other three but the next one...

The fifth one is the biggest and concerns me the most. I am trying to plan a walk-a-thon for the twins and I have NO idea how to begin... In talking with Tony last night, my vision was way to big for what this should be, this time, and as long as it is successful, I am seeing the future complete with an annual walk for Reece's Rainbow. But one step at a time, I know.

So with all that being said...I really want to bring our girls home and my mind is usually working overtime, which is why I am up at 4 in the morning blogging instead of sleeping. My mind is constantly thinking of ways to make money and even when I think I'm not, it must be because I usually wake up thinking about it in the middle of the night! We need to raise $1000 for a promise fee and $1800 for a homestudy. That's alot of cash up front...but if it is meant to be, God can, and will, move that mountain! I have seen it done...

Anyway, I am still looking for employment, but, since I am not working at the moment, I am trying to think of ways to raise money on a large scale at least until I'm working and can earn the girls here. So these are my thoughts on this...

I was thinking that I needed to map out a 2 mile walk on the streets of our town, but that brought to mind the 'what if's'...what if someone is hit by a car, what if someone twisted their ankle, what if someone passes out, and the list went on...who is responsible? So then I thought our town has a great walking/biking path, we'll just use that. It isn't near the main road and cars are not allowed. But then, do I make it clear that we are not to be held responsible for any injuries. and how do I do that? Still some unanswered questions.

Then, what about stopping points along the way? You know, for refreshments, maybe at the halfway point? Maybe I can get a local grocery store to donate bags of hard candy for the walk, and I can get little pouches for the walkers to take the candy in and as a memoir. Again, more questions... but I'd better get a move on with these plans, since I am hoping to do this the second to the last weekend in October. So...

I can't remember a time when I have wanted something so much that it hurt and I would do just about anything for it. I prayed again today that if these girls are not meant to be ours, that someone would step up and adopt them and that He would take most of the pain away. That is a hard prayer for me as it could go either way and I had to give up control, but even more, because I already consider them to be our daughters, but I also know that God is going to do what is best. I do lean on Jeremiah 29:11, He does know the plans He has for us. My prayer is that I don't get in His way! :)

So...what do I do? Sit here and vex for another month? I think not! Please pray that the way is made crystal clear and that the right people are placed in my path. I have seen Him move mountains...I know He can move this one too!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened on Our Adoption Journey

A couple of years ago, while in Louisville, my youngest son finally, at 16 years of age, asked for a dog, and because of our circumstances (our rental unit allowed dogs :) we finally gave in. There was one condition, it had to be a rescue and had to get along with our established family pet, a rescue bunny named Moose. Moose was a 17 pound Flemish Giant and was great member of the family.

Moose was the runt of his litter and already had his issues like genetic cataracts, and he suffered with gastro-intestinal stasis, he had trouble 'going' at least once a year during his molt. So, as long as Moose accepted the dog, we would have a dog. So the search began.

One day, on the freecycle Louisville list, someone posted a free 4 yo black lab mix (she is a pure bred with a white blaze-not show quality...big deal), so I inquired about her. We received pictures and Cale fell in love. Cale did do some waffling on the matter, you know 'am I ready for that type of responsibility...yada yada yada...but finally said yes. So we went and picked her up, with the intention of having her for the weekend, right? :)

She did fine all the way home even though she gets car sick and that was about a 30 minute ride from her home to ours...then she met Moose. She submitted to him and it was precious! Then he submitted to her and she licked him and he melted, which was amazing. We made sure to keep them separate just to be safe as dogs and buns, especially new, should never be left alone.

Maddie would go up to Moose and nudge his side with her nose and then he would stick his nose in the air and let her tail hit him in the face! They were so good together, and in no time Maddie became Mooses protector. Needless to say, we kept her!

Last year we had to put Moose down at 5 years old because of a lymphoma cancer, one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Both Maddie and I went into a depression. Maddie moped so much, her best friend was gone. :( So we adopted a new bunny, Midnight, Middie for short and does she ever have an attitude! So now we have the Middie and Maddie show! Different relationship than the one with Moose, but just as funny.

So anyway, Monday was Tony's day off, the only one he gets a week. He went to take Maddie for a walk in the morning and ended up twisting his ankle and skinning his knee. I never appreciated a dog more! When Tony fell, she turned around and laid at his side until he could get up and walk again. Then she laid on the couch with him while he iced his ankle and just stayed with him all day. She totally loves Tony! When I have my migraines, she becomes my dog and lays in bed with me all day everyday until it's gone. What a great girl! And she LOVES kids, she will whine if she sees kids until they come and pet her :)

So Tuesday morning at about 2:30 am, Maddie started pacing and going from room to room, and it was about every 10 minutes. Suddenly I, who has dog ears to also, could hear 4 very distinct beeps about every 10 minutes and it dawned on me that they were the smoke detectors batteries dying. She did not sleep at all and neither did we. I gave her Dramamine to relax her about 10:30 am and she slept on the couch with the tv on all day til about 4:30. Unfortunately I didn't put my foot down, Tony changed the one battery outside our kitchen door, which didn't start beeping until late in that afternoon, and he said that should do the trick...yeah right! That's why I am awake and blogging at 2:30 this morning, 'cuz everything is done. :) Every battery in the basement is going to be changed before bed today! The foot IS down...

Anyway, this problem has caused some thinking for me. Maddie is a very high need dog. She came from an abusive situation. When her people moved, they left her tied up outside with no food or water. She has a bebe in her head, how did that get there? She hates rain, thunder and wind and shakes until it stops, and always seeks out her 'mama', me, for comfort. She has been seeking me out and I'm the only one she comes to when she is scared. Attachment parenting is something that we are beginning to explore. Our generation, and the one that advised us, insisted that a strict schedule and 'detached' parenting, ie. crying themselves to sleep, etc. (There were times that didn't work for me and I would pick them up and rock them to sleep...holding them will not spoil them!) Well what if that won't work for the little ones coming into our home? What if everything frightens them? Will we be patient enough to help them to understand that we will be there for them always, or is it too late for them. From what I've read, these children already know how to sooth themselves because no one comes when they cry. Will they learn that their mama will be there for them?

So, I guess I'm wondering if God gave us Maddie to prepare us for the 'high need' child(ren) that we are seeking. Personally I think He has, and I say BRING IT ON!!! I'm going to sleep on the couch with my Maddie now. And yes, I am prepared to sleep in the girls room until they are okay to be on their own...what a mom will do for her little ones.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Beginning to Fill My Days...

Well, today we chose names for our girls, one means Graceful, the other means Gentle and we couldn't be happier. They are beautiful names and we both agreed on them. And their initials will be 'appropriate'.

Once again I am posting applications on line and on Thursday I will go in person and drop them off locally. We'll see what happens.

I am also going to start working on my angel pins.

I have also started planning a quilt for a 'raffle/give-away' to raise funds for our girls. I am also beginning to plan a walk-a-thon for this fall, too. I'll keep my ideas posted!

I am going to post a picture here on my blog soon of the girls that we are 'considering'. They are beautiful and we are so very excited about it.

We have had a difficult night of peace. Our oldest son Chris doesn't live with us, our other son Austin is out for the night, and Cale is back at school, which most parents of young adults would find to be totally exciting...yay, an empty house! But the peace and quiet isn't exciting to me. The 'empty nest' which many call it, isn't my cup of tea. I personally don't enjoy that kind of quiet. I don't find it enjoyable. I don't know, maybe I should work at a daycare all day with a bunch of screaming children and get my fill that way, so that at night I would enjoy the quiet more :D But I don't think that would last very long. Our family isn't complete and that is what our journey is all about.

Thank You Lord for the gift of adoption!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life Lessons Learned!

Well things seem to be easier for me as time goes by. Cale calls and texts me on a regular basis, everyday! No it's not the same as having him home but it will do for now. He did promise that he would go to Boston College for his graduate studies!

Well, I have been making things for my fundraising adventure. And I am excited that I will be walking in the Buddy Walk on September 26 here in Connecticut. So I am keeping busy.

A thought occurred to me the other day while I was talking with Tony and sharing my frustration with him about not finding a job. First, this is the first time in many, MANY years that I have not been hired quickly. In the past Tony has said that he has never seen anything like it before...I apply for a job, go on an interview and, if I'm not hired on the spot, I have a job offer like...the next day! (I know it sounds conceited, but I don't know how else to put it.) Well, that isn't happening this time! I have applied many places and only had one interview, and that was a back to my point...

My plan for this adoption was to get a full time job somewhere, take all the money I made at that job and put it in the bank for the girls adoption costs and as they came up, I'd write a check. 

I started reading all the adopting blogs and saw a common thread...God was supplying the needs and the funds for these adoptions and He was receiving all the Glory!

So, if I get a job and pay for it all, how will others see what God can and will do? How will people see the blessings that God has in store for those who trust Him? If I get a job, how will that Glorify Him? It would be ALL ME! And then I realized just how selfish that would be of me...So I guess I'm not getting a job right away, which brings me to the next thing...

I guess I will be stepping up the fundraising endeavor. I am going to begin to sell my Angel pins. I will post the picture soon. I will also be making a quilt for a raffle and either selling or raffling off a couple of baby quilts also. I am also going to attempt to organize a walk for the girls sometime in October.

So, please pray for my family and the girls as we go through the beginning stages of our adventure 'Bringing Home Our Princesses'... We all Thank You!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Heart is Full and God is Great!

Well, even though my baby is gone and can't read yesterdays post because when I read it I cry, God really has been Gracious to me! I am rejoicing that several little ones have arrived back home in the US! 

Julie and Daisy just arrived home! Paula and Elizabeth brought Bella home! JoAnne just came home with her three little princesses, Masha, Milana, and Lillia! And Melissa is home waiting out their time for Mark to come home with Simon and Erik! Congrats to all the families that came home...we'll be praying for those who are working hard to do the same! 

So instead of crying for myself now, I end up crying for everyone else! And my family comes in and asks me why I'm crying and the standard answer is "you know why! I just read a blog..." The blogs are very encouraging because if these families can save children from a loveless life, I know that I can!

I'm also going to start checking into an adoptive father's message board. If I find one that is great and has alot of members, great. But if I don't then I guess I'll start one for hubby and let adoption families know about it. I think that it's important for men to be able to voice concerns and ask questions of others and 'bond' (if you can call that bonding for them). It may actually help some of these husbands feel like a part of this whole journey. 

Well anyway, back to the fundraising and message board searching! YAY!  :)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I Don't Like It When They Grow Wings and Fly!

Okay, so you have raise them to be strong and to stand on their own, teach them to be independent and do things for themselves. You home school them and teach them well... and then they are ACCEPTED TO COLLEGE!!!

I am a proud mom to a college student, but last year we lived in Louisville Kentucky, and Cale was a college student at Northern Kentucky University about 100 miles from our home. I took great comfort and solace in the fact (with help from others I might add) that he would be home about every other weekend and all holidays, and sometimes for 4 days in a row! That made me content. 

When we moved back to Connecticut last April, Cale still had a month to go for classes, but I was okay with that because he was coming here in a few weeks. He came up after mothers day but just in time for my birthday. I was a HAPPY mom that day. I knew that he was going to be here for the summer! YAY for us!!!

Well, he left for school last night. A friend of his from Louisville flew up to drive back with him. He is an independent college student that daddy and I raised for such a day...but no one prepared me for the heartbreak of knowing that he is 13 hours away from us in case something happens. I am just praying that God will protect him and be gracious to me and make the time fly for me til Thanksgiving.

I am so sad, there will no longer be 11:00 pm chats in the kitchen catching up on the days events, no more Cale walking in the door saying 'surprise! I'm home for the weekend!' I guess the lesson for the day is time is fleeting...enjoy even the smallest moments, cherish every second because they won't last but in your memories!

So, needless to say, I haven't worked on any of my fundraising ideas because I've been rather pre-occupied. I will go start that now though, as time really is precious and fleeting. I'm using these weeks of quiet without my 'baby' to add to our family! Look out girls...your mommy and daddy are preparing to bring you HOME!!!  

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Well yesterday came....

And I don't have a job yet, they told me to call them again next Tuesday. We'll's all in God's time and He doesn't follow our time schedule. :(

Please pray for our family and the twins as our events are put off for another few weeks while I find a job.That job was probably not a good fit. I have had gut feelings in the past and rushed into a job only to find it was a bad idea. I had a feeling this time and Tony told me to follow my gut, but instead I wanted to follow my heart and put up with a job just to bring the girls home. I think God was Gracious to me, AGAIN, because I don't always follow (Him)...I want to be the leader! :) Isn't that sad? I've been a christian since I was 12, you'd think I would've learned that lesson already...and the one on patience...yup still learning that one too...

But in the mean time I have a few ideas to help RR with fund-raising...I think. My mind has been working overtime with ideas, some are great and some I'm not so sure about. I will try to upload them and see what others think...and please, be critical if need be, I can be thick-skinned so constructive criticism is appreciated. Sometimes I think Tony is afraid to say he doesn't like something just because I made it. :)

Well I'm off to finish a couple of projects to send to RR. Look for my uploads and see what you think.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Looking Forward to Tomorrow...

Tomorrow I will be calling to see if I have the job. I have to say I'm rather excited! I have figured out that if I get the job we will probably be able to commit to the twins about September 1st, which is just around the corner for us...and I can hardly stand it! I check every day to see if they are still ours, knowing someone else could commit at any time...but I am believing that God has set them aside for us. And if not, there are a couple of other children that we have considered, but the twins are the ones that have stolen our hearts!

Can't wait for tomorrow at 10:30! We'll see!  :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Things We Do...

Well, yesterday was a busier day than we had expected...we are trying real hard to find ways to collect money so we can begin this process. I have been brainstorming for several weeks and have come up with a few ideas, as well as taking ideas from others on RR's group.

Yesterday I had an interview and I will call on Tuesday to see if I got the job. That is what I had not planned on when we moved back here to CT. I was not going to work but I was going to be the typical SAHM and just do what house wives know, knock back a few bon-bons while watching Dr. Phil and Oprah! :) Kidding! Anyway...

I figured that I would get a job and every penny that I made would go into the girls account we set up just for this adoption. If I like the job enough I will figure out a way to continue after bring them home, but at this point if I don't like it, I won't feel bad if I leave after they come home.

We are planning on making our Commitment to them in early September, just a few short weeks, that is if I end up getting this job.

Then I came up with an even better idea...we went and sold some of our old gold jewelry...because they are far more important to us than gold or things! So we'll see what happens on Tuesday.

Please stay tuned to see what we do next! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Journey Begins again...and so it goes...

We started our journey in October of 1999, when Tony accepted the call into ministry! As time went by we felt that our family was lacking in 'mass', so we wanted to add to the ranks. :) Then in March of 2003, we had been discussing what a few other friends were doing to continue growing their families, but that just wasn't what God planned for us, financially or physically, so we let it go.

I was still home schooling our boys, working part time and just enjoying things in life. Well, I started feeling that all too familiar tugging on my heart strings and mentioned to Tony what I was feeling. I really expected to hear him say "now now, blah, blah bladdy blah..." but instead he told me that he agreed and felt the same way, so look into adoption. Well...that came completely out of the blue!!!

So I made a phone call and we were on our way!!! :)

We became licensed to adopt in our state, but our status was pending because we didn't have the room to take in another child. So when it came time to move, the available home we took once again didn't have adequate space. And then again! :( There is something to be said about God's timing...and I had to trust!

So then in December of 2005, things began happening. The house that we were renting went up for sale because the owners were getting a divorce, so that meant moving again. And to Tony and his job, there was a merger and he opted to transfer to another warehouse in Indiana and that would give him the opportunity to attend seminary classes in Louisville, KY. So we did...

Then while in Louisville, we attended an international adoption meeting and started thinking... again, and started thinking about adopting special needs children, meaning other than age. We began researching Downs Syndrome, and that is when I found Reece's Rainbow! That was about 3 years ago to the month.

Unfortunately, things were more complicated than we had originally thought, so I had to go to work and it looked like we were there for other reasons, which we still don't understand. When I went to work, I unsubbed from RR and left those dreams behind for what I figured would be for a very long time to come. :(

So jump forward 2 1/2 years, and here we are, started our journey again. We feel we would like to add the blessings of girls to our home. This time we have fallen in love with a couple of little girls and are looking forward to the day that we can announce who to everyone involved in RR! God willing, it won't be long!!! :)