Once again I am posting applications on line and on Thursday I will go in person and drop them off locally. We'll see what happens.
I am also going to start working on my angel pins.
I have also started planning a quilt for a 'raffle/give-away' to raise funds for our girls. I am also beginning to plan a walk-a-thon for this fall, too. I'll keep my ideas posted!
I am going to post a picture here on my blog soon of the girls that we are 'considering'. They are beautiful and we are so very excited about it.
We have had a difficult night of peace. Our oldest son Chris doesn't live with us, our other son Austin is out for the night, and Cale is back at school, which most parents of young adults would find to be totally exciting...yay, an empty house! But the peace and quiet isn't exciting to me. The 'empty nest' which many call it, isn't my cup of tea. I personally don't enjoy that kind of quiet. I don't find it enjoyable. I don't know, maybe I should work at a daycare all day with a bunch of screaming children and get my fill that way, so that at night I would enjoy the quiet more :D But I don't think that would last very long. Our family isn't complete and that is what our journey is all about.
Thank You Lord for the gift of adoption!