Sunday, January 24, 2010

Frustrating News...But Still Not Bad...

Well, I received a letter in the mail about the billing clerk job, they couldn't use me and would keep my resume on file for 6 months. A little sad, but realizing that I have no car dealership experience and that someone else here will be able to feed their family. I couldn't be sad for myself after that. Thank God I have a mind the can reason things like that.

So, still waiting on the census bureau phone call. The pay would be great! Looking ahead with purpose...

Almost finished with commitment paperwork, just waiting for a way to come up with the fee. I have decided that we will pursue the ideas that I have. I have already started selling gumballs at Tony's work. So far it has brought in about 20 dollars, in a month and a half. At that rate we'll be able to bring them home by the time they are 20 years old! :)

We are going to look into a EIN number tomorrow to help legitimize us in others eyes. I think we are going to tell our immediate family sometime this week...pray for that! It could go either way.

We are also going through our papers for our homestudy. We are trying real hard to keep our chin up as we go through this time...I know that God has all the details worked out...just wish He'd let us know what those were :)

I am going to start selling something very special. I am calling them 'A Heart For Adoption' pins. Here is the picture:

They are hand beaded by me and hold a lot of meaning. I will be asking for a $10.00 donation for them. Please email if you are interested in having one. The entire amount will go to our promise fee. I am going to create a store front, or something like it, and go from there.

Well, I'm going to go start another heart and watch to Vikings beat New Orleans...Have a blessed night!

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