Monday, January 11, 2010

New Prayers Tonight...

We have decided to respond to a request for a family for a 12 year old girl who needs a new family. We didn't think we'd hear anything, so we let it go, but apparently 6 pm isn't too late for a SW to contact anyone! We received an email from her worker at 6, and we placed a call.

We are praying that this will work out, and if it isn't meant to be that doors and windows will be slammed shut.

But don't worry...we totally haven't forgotten our twins! We are still full steam ahead. We just know the importance of family and how everyone needs one to love them unconditionally. We still are breathless waiting to bring those beauties in EE home to us!

I have a job interview and test for the 2010 Census Bureau on Wednesday and an interview at a dealership for a billing clerk on Thursday after Bible Study Fellowship. Please pray that one of those jobs comes available so that we can move ahead...God will provide for ALL of our prayers, we just need strong warriors on our side!

God Bless!

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